A life-long learner made to create and equal part insomniac.
This is how Midnight30 was started.
In 2013, I (Joshua Eiler) just started to really delve into electric guitar. I had been leading worship from acoustic for 15 years and had grown bored with the limited sonic possibilities. My wife bought me an American Standard Telecaster, my church bought me a Blues Jr III, and with a few pedals I begged and borrowed I was off trying to make a go of it. I quickly found I just couldn’t get the sound I had in my head to come out of my amplifier. During those long sleepless nights when insomnia payed a visit I began to research, visit forums, watch pedal and amp demos and realized some of the gear I needed to have to help me find my tone.
Not aware of just how far the rabbit hole would take me, I began the long and arduous process into pedal building. I knew nothing about electronics, I had never held a soldering iron and I had no idea what the difference between a resistor and a capacitor was. What I did know is that I was fascinated by the possibilities.
I found a kit from Build Your Own Clone that gave me everything I needed. The kit came, I carefully followed the instructions and to my amazement, it worked.
Those sleepless nights found me learning how to create circuits, learn Eagle AutoCad, and ultimately have a stockpile of hand-built pedals I was able to use weekly on my own board. I began to post my builds on social media forums and soon people began to reach out about building them pedals.
I found myself soldering late into the nights, well past midnight and as the requests kept pouring in I decided that this could be its own business. All I needed was a name. Since I would build till after midnight, Midnight30music was born.
Midnight 30 is a proud supporter of Guitars For Glory. Proceeds from pedal sales go towards placing instruments with people in need around the world.
We are incredibly excited and honored to transition M30 into the daily operation of Tones Studios, while keeping the brains behind the pedal effects at the helm of his creations. To continue to invest back into the work that Guitars For Glory is doing in the community, Tones Studios is dedicating a portion of sales from each pedal on-goingly to the mission of Guitars For Glory. We’re excited that Midnight 30 Music effects pedals will be added to the Tones Studios arsenal of services and products that will continue to have an impact on lives beyond its primary use. The pedals will be very complimentary to the recording and creative work our team has been focused on over the last couple of years.
For all you loyal Midnight30 customers, you may be wondering how this will affect business. We’re here to assure you that it’s business as usual. It will be a seamless transition over the next month and production lead times will not change. We are grateful to Joshua and excited for this opportunity.
For more about Tones Studios visit: www.tonesstudios.com